Today, a team from ESG Vanguard Group and Western Tethyan Resources visited community at Slivova project, especially the Peshter – Brus area to provide an update on the water samples results collected from the village wells and surface water streams during the spring season.
 Results showed that nearly all of the measured water values meet the standards set by the Republic of Kosovo.
However, the water from two specific wells, which are used for drinking by the community, has shown elevated nitrate levels. The high nitrate in water is a result of animal feedlots and the village septic systems.
This makes the water from these wells unsafe for consumption, particularly for adults and especially for babies and children.
We strongly advised the community to not use the water from these two wells for drinking purposes until further notice to ensure their health and safety.
Ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is our top priority.
We are dedicated to maintaining high environmental standards during our exploration and development activities and will keep you updated on any new developments.

 Western Tethyan Resources

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