March 2, 2023

Western Tethyan Resources Ltd (the “Company” or “WTR”) is pleased to announce that it has completed it’s due diligence over Slivova Gold project in Kosovo and it is expecting to complete a definitive Earn-In agreement with Avrupa Minerals Ltd.
The Slivova Concept Study completed during the Due Diligence phase has developed a small-mine concept for the project, with feasible access, mining, processing, and tailings management options. At conceptual levels of estimation, the project demonstrates low initial capex, moderate operating costs and attractive NPV and IRR in the context of the low initial capex over the current estimated mine life.
As a result of the positive Concept Study, WTR has immediately initiated a Preliminary Economic Assessment Study (PEA) / Scoping study for the project. UK based consultants Bara Consulting UK and Knight Piesold who conducted the Concept study have been further engaged for the PEA.
Mentor Demi, Managing Director of Western Tethyan Resources stated that “We are very pleased to have successfully completed the Due Diligence on Slivova Gold Project and to be entering into the Definitive Earn-In Agreement with Avrupa Minerals Ltd in due course. Our systematic exploration approach has resulted in the confirmation of potentially economic resources at Slivova with significant upside opportunities. We look forward to providing further updates on the Slivova PEA in addition to the exploration results, in the near future”.
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Western Tethyan Resources Ltd enters into a definitive agreement with Avrupa Minerals Ltd to acquire the Slivova Gold Project in Kosovo
Western Tethyan Resources Ltd completes Due Diligence on the Slivova Gold Project in Kosovo
Summary of Project
The Slivova Gold Project covers 32km2 and is valid for 7 years of exploration (Figure 1). The license area was subject to a previous joint venture between Avrupa and Byrnecut International Ltd (“Byrnecut”), until 2019 when the license was terminated after Byrnecut had incurred exploration expenditures in excess of US$ 7 million.
The Peshter Main Gossan and Gossan Extension zones are hosted within a steeply-dipping package of intercalated pebble to cobble conglomerates and finer-grained sandstone units with subordinate shale horizons. The mineralisation is interpreted to be controlled by the host lithology and is associated with strong silicification and de-calcification. Gold mineralisation in the Main Gossan and Gossan Extension is concentrated in the calcareous pebble conglomerate and calcareous sandstone. The reactive nature of the matrix appears to have provided the best environment for base and precious metal mineralisation.
A total of 40 drill holes define the Mineral Resource for 4,161.65 m of predominantly HQ, NQ and NWT diameter diamond drilling core. Drill hole spacing in the core of the deposit is approximately 15m x 15m. An Indicated Mineral Resource (NI 43-101) was subsequently defined at Slivova of 640,000 mt @ 4.8 g/t gold and 14.68 g/t silver, for approximately 98,700 ounces of gold and 302,000 ounces of silver
A significant part of the exploration licence remains to be explored in detail and there are indications of further mineralisation in the immediate vicinity (Figure 1), which will require drill-testing.
Significant sulphide mineralisation in the form of pyrite, with minor amounts of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite occurs with the gold and silver mineralisation, although it is interpreted that the main high-grade gold mineralising event occurred after the sulphidation event. Leach analyses on 255 mineralised samples from four holes evenly spaced through the deposit demonstrated that the majority of the mineralisation is amenable to conventional hydrometallurgical processes. Further metallurgical testwork will be undertaken as a priority to determine the optimal process route.

Figure 1: Main resource area and surrounding prospects at the Slivova Project, showing the surface sampling results of prior exploration. Inset on the top right is the same area (in red), shown within the boundaries of the licence (in black). Inset on the bottom right is the Slivova licence, shown in relation to the borders of Kosovo and the currently held licenses of WTR
Terms of the Agreement
Under the terms of the Definitive Agreement, WTR will have the right to acquire, in multiple stages, up to 85% of the Slivova project, by completing a series of exploration and development milestones and making staged payments to AVU.
On Closing
- Euro 35,000 cash payment upon signing the Definitive Agreement on March 1st 2023
Earn-In Phase
Stage 1:
- Euro 30,000 cash payment on September 1, 2023
- If WTR elects to enter the Definitive Agreement, it will invest 800,000 euros, during first two years from the effective date (minimum of Euro 150,00 must be spent by September 1, 2023, post DD Phase) for exploration, drilling, baseline environmental and social surveys, landowners etc, for 51% of the project
Stage 2:
- After completion of Stage 1, during the third year from the Effective Date, WTR will invest Euro 1,000,000 for NI 43-101 resource estimation, commencement of full Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”), etc., for 75% of the project.
Stage 3:
- During fourth and fifth year from the Effective Date, WTR must complete the EIS, Feasibility Study (“FS”), and Mining License application, for 85% of the Project.
Stage 4:
- WTR completes success payments to previous JV partner, Byrnecut International Ltd. accordingly:
- Euro 125,000 in cash within 30 days of the first to occur of: 1) Completion of a positive FS (minimum 15% IRR) or; 2) Avrupa or related party making a decision to proceed with development of a mining operation within the license area;
- Euro 125,000 within 30 days of issuance of a mining license for the Project, and
- Euro 125,000 within 30 days of commencement of mine construction within the license area;
- 100 troy ounces of gold within 30 days of commencement of commercial production (“CCP”), then increasing by 75 troy ounces per year until and including the third anniversary of commercial production when 325 troy ounces will be delivered.
Stage 5: AVU participate in the mine build or dilute to 1% NSR
For further information, please contact:
Mentor Demi, Managing Director
About Avrupa Minerals
Avrupa Minerals Ltd. is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company directed to discovery of mineral deposits, using a hybrid prospect generator business model. The Company holds one 100%-owned license in Portugal, the Alvalade VMS Project, presently optioned to Sandfire MATSA in an earn-in joint venture agreement. The Company now holds one 100%-owned exploration license covering the Slivova gold prospect in Kosovo, and is actively advancing four prospects in central Finland through the recently-announced acquisition of Akkerman Finland Oy. Avrupa focuses its project generation work in politically stable and prospective regions of Europe, presently including Portugal, Finland, and Kosovo. The Company continues to seek and develop other opportunities around Europe.
About Western Tethyan Resources
Western Tethyan Resources Ltd (“WTR”) is a UK registered, mineral exploration and development Company focused on South East Europe. The company has a strategic alliance with Newmont Corporation and Ariana Resources and is currently focused on exploration for major copper-gold deposits in the Lecce Magmatic Complex and Vardar Belt in Kosovo. The company is assessing several other exploration project opportunities across Eastern Europe, targeting major copper-gold deposits across the porphyry-epithermal transition. For further information on Western Tethyan Resources you are invited to visit the Company’s website at